OTIS LANIER KEMP - Online Memorial Website

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Born in Florida
78 years
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Life story
September 30, 2006
Passed away on September 30, 2006.
October 3, 2006

                                    IN REMEMBERANCE OF

                                     OTIS LANIER KEMP

                                 10-02-1927 - 09-30-2006

                               Love Rodney and Patra Kemp




Otis was born October 2ND, 1927. He, his parents, his two brothers and sister came to Groveland in the late 30's. They came down from Howey-In-The-Hills on a model -A ford. Otis and I. J. Rode bicycles and held on to the side of the truck. They came down highway 19 which then was a clay road.

Otis’ father and older brother had worked hard in orange groves and had saved enough money to buy 5 acres now known as KEMP HILL. Some of the younger generation may not know, but, it was the ending of a hard depression. Jobs and money were hard to find.

Otis later married Mabel Thomas (Kemp) and had two children, Rodney and Patra. Otis took on the responsibilities of a family during hard times. He worked hard as a mechanic, peeling fruit and packing watermelons. One of Otis’ goals in life were to see the two children had an education, Rodney and Patra both graduated from Groveland High.

One of Otis’ favorite pass times was air boats and riding a magnificent air sleds over the marshes of Florida with his friends and relatives.

We are here today to say goodbye to a man who was dearly loved by all who knew him. Otis came to peace with the God and accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior.

When loved ones are taken from us we find that Jesus’s comfort is greater than all the grief in our hearts. So in dark days of suffering lets have faith and pray.

In remembrance of Otis we would like to say GOD BLESS...

His Sister Grace and family, His daughter Patra and Family, His son Rodney and Family

All the way down to the little bitty ones. All nephews , nieces, and cousins would like to say :

                 " WE LOVE YOU OTIS "


                                                                     GOOD BYE DADDY

                                                             FROM PATRA AND RODNEY